Hope everyone is staying safe and well while self-isolating. It’s so important everyone does their part to stop the spread of the virus.
Everyone associated with The Fellowship of Ravens wishes to express our gratitude to the doctors, nurses, healthcare workers and those serving on the frontlines during this pandemic. There are not enough words to describe your bravery, selflessness and devotion.
'A Soldier's Letter' is a book of poems and photographs that help bring awareness to those suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and to honour the Allied Soldiers of the First and Second World Wars.
Because medical personnel are experiencing symptoms of PTSD due to Covid_19, we are donating copies of our ebook to those working tirelessly to make sure we all stay safe and well.
From now until April 30th, we are donating 500 free copies of our ebook, 'A Soldier's Letter' to Frontline Defenders.
Doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers on the frontlines please use code: FrontlineDefenders to receive a free digital copy of 'A Soldier’s Letter'.
We have also extended our discount for 'A Soldier’s Letter' ebook until the end of April. Please use code: ThankYou25 to receive 25% off the ebook. Through the purchase of 'A Soldier’s Letter' ebook, a donation will be made to The Royal Canadian Legion and to Wounded Warriors Canada to assist with their PTSD Service Dog Program.
Together, we will make it through this
#HeroesOfCovid19 #PTSD #SpreadTheWordNotTheVirus #FrontlineDefenders #StaySafe #ASoldiersLetter #TheFellowshipOfRavens #StandUnited