We strive to create awareness and change through artistry

"Nothing touches another person's heart, mind, and soul as deeply as art. Whether it be music, dancing, acting, painting, photography, or writing the artist tells the story of our human existence in all of its beauty, as well as the sad and painful parts... but that reflection of our own existence is often how so many of us truly begin to comprehend our lives in a much deeper way than we can ever experience through any other means."- Vincent Corazza


Our Story: Honouring Soldiers, PTSD Awareness and Service Animals


"A Soldier's Letter" pays homage to the brave Soldiers of World War I and World War II. Our journey began with the creation of this heartfelt tribute, which has garnered praise and accolades from the Royal Canadian Legion, solidifying our commitment to honouring their memory.

We are driven by a deep desire to raise awareness for those battling PTSD, a silent struggle that affects many. Through "A Soldier's Letter," we have been fortunate to receive support from esteemed individuals like Vincent Corazza, Mark Ryan, Art Hindle, Kevin Hanchard, Marilyn Lightstone, John Reardon, Barbara Radecki, Patty Sargent-Gibson, Past President RCL Branch #6, and, and others who share our passion for this important cause.

In addition to our dedication to PTSD awareness, we believe in shedding light on the invaluable contributions of loyal military and service animals. Among these remarkable souls, we have our beloved "Faithful Companion," Elvis. Elvis served as a K9 Explosives Dog, protecting lives before retiring due to hip dysplasia. Born in France and trained in Israel and Germany, Elvis's journey continues to inspire us every day.

Join us in our mission to honour, remember, and raise awareness. Together, we can make a difference.


"A Soldier's Letter: A Poetic Journey of Remembrance"

Immerse yourself in the unique and haunting world of "A Soldier's Letter," a captivating book of poems and photographs. This extraordinary piece of art has garnered praise and prestigious accolades from the Royal Canadian Legion, solidifying its place as a poignant tribute.
As we embark on our mission to honour the brave Soldiers of World War I and World War II we aim to raise awareness and provide assistance to those affected by PTSD, a battle that demands our attention.


"When you start to read A Solder's Letter you will think it's not possible that these two young talented ladies didn't see service, as they have captured the thoughts and feelings of Veterans who have been traumatized and struggle with their demons.

Some pages will make you cry, some you may identify with, and some will make you think about the Soldier writing and what horrors he's seen and others will give you a clear picture in your mind of the horrors of war. It's a rollercoaster of emotions. This book is definitely worth a read."  - Patty Sargent-Gibson, Past President Branch #6, Royal Canadian Legion

"A Soldier's Letter acts as a powerful reminder of the price that is paid by those whom we have asked to march into Hell as the price of protecting our liberty and freedom. The scars they carry are not always visible but are always profound and life-altering. This issue will become more urgent as we deal with the emotional and psychological cost of the sacrifice we have asked of our servicemen and women to pay over the last decade on our behalf.

I highly recommend A Soldier's Letter, lest we forget:

War is not won with words, but with our blood.

We sacrifice our bodies, our minds, our souls, our futures.

We give all that we have and all we ever hope to be.

We are Warriors.

We are what this world needs us to be. Mark Ryan, Actor, Author, Director


Raven Tales

North American Pacific Northwest


Originally Raven lived in the land of spirits...bird land. In a place that existed before the world of humans. One day the Raven became so bored with bird land that he flew away, carrying a stone in his beak.




When Raven became tired of carrying the stone and dropped it, the stone fell into the ocean and expanded until it formed the firmament on which humans now live.


The Legend of Raven

We'd love to hear from you, let us know what's on your mind.

Contact us via email: ContactUs@thefellowshipofravens.com or by phone #905-978-7624

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