2020 would have been the 5th year standing together in front of the Chinese Consulate in Toronto.
However, due to Covid_19, social distancing and the safety of the protesters, this years rally will be taking place virtually.
When: Saturday, June 13th, 2020
Time: 10:00am to 1:00pm EST
Where: ONLINE - Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Instagram
(If you do not have Facebook, that’s all right you can still connect with us)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Stop-Yulin-Forever-2020-692850721146352/
Facebook: https: https://www.facebook.com/Stop-Yulin-Forever-2018-1662256230469437/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWUfChtqKKL44WNNHHHpIiA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalesOf2Ravens
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefellowshipofravens23/
Petition: http://chng.it/VTnw879Mgr
You can also contact me directly, Email: ContactUs@thefellowshipofravens.com
Connect with us and help take a stand against the slaughtering of these defenceless animals.
The NUMBER 1 RULE - BE RESPECTFUL and KIND - Racism and ignorance on any level will NOT be accepted.
We will not be taken seriously or be able to give the respect and love to the animals if we are being ignorant.
This is a peaceful protest. It is extremely easy to feel hate and anger for those that are committing these barbaric acts but we must not give in to that hate.
Please also remember that not everyone in China or of Chinese decent commits these acts.
We are standing with the activists and Chinese people that are trying to stop these barbaric rituals and to help those whose pets and family members have been hurt by the festival and the dog and meat industry.
-To connect to the rally, please join us on one or more of the social media platforms:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Stop-Yulin-Forever-2020-692850721146352/
Facebook: https: https://www.facebook.com/Stop-Yulin-Forever-2018-1662256230469437/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWUfChtqKKL44WNNHHHpIiA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalesOf2Ravens
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefellowshipofravens23/
-When you log in to any platform, please provide your name and where you are joining us from. (For ex: Jane from Toronto, Canada)
-Please sign our petition: http://chng.it/VTnw879Mgr
-Please stay with us during the duration of the rally 10am till 1pm EST and let us know you are here. I will be live on all media sites and doing my best to connect with everyone
-Direct message or email me photos and/videos of you or of you and your pet protesting. Send pictures/videos of you in front of your computer or chanting, singing inspirational songs, holding protest signs, etc.
-Ask questions : I will do my best to answer them or refer you to an organization that can assist you
-Educate yourself and others.
-Learn about the organizations that are working tirelessly to stop the Yulin Festival and End the dog and cat meat trade.
Some foundations like Soi Dog also have rescues up for adoption.
Soi Dog: https://www.soidog.org
No To Dog Meat: https://www.notodogmeat.com
Humane Society International: https://www.hsi.org
Animal Hope & Wellness: https://www.animalhopeandwellness.org
-Please watch the videos we have uploaded and let us know you are watching
-And post on social media platforms about the rally and repost the material/videos we have provided.
-And please remember to use hashtags: #StopYulinForever #StopTheYulinFestival #EndTheDogAndCatMeatTrade #StandUnited
Thank you very much and I hope to rally with you this Saturday, June 13th!