Stop the Yulin Festival - Your help is critical to the protest

Help put a STOP to the Yulin Festival and help END the dog and cat meat trade.

Join the online protest - This will be our 5th straight year uniting together and giving a voice to the voiceless!

Where: Online - Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram
When: June 13th, 2020
Time: 10:00am -1:00pm EST

Please email videos and photos to: is a free site that can transfer large files.

Please remember in your email title to include one of the following:
-Stop the Yulin Festival
-End the dog and cat meat trade
-Family NOT Food

Please send:

-Messages of support and kindness to the animals so they know they are not alone.

-Messages of solidarity to those on the frontlines fighting to save these animals.

-Send a video singing an inspirational song
(For example - Soldier by Gavin Degraw or You raise me up by Josh Grobin, etc.)

-Or send a video of you, your family and your pet chanting:

We’ve had enough!
We’re standing up!
We’re rising up!
We’re speaking up!
Open up the cage door!
Open up and liberate!
Family Not Food!
Stop the slaughter!
Stand United!
Never be divided!
Ignorance = Cruelty!

Your help with is greatly appreciated.