UPDATE - 96 Hour Famine & Virtual Protest Rally

This is the last day of our 96 Hour Famine & Virtual Protest Rally to bring attention to the dog & cat meat trade.

Fasting does make an impact physically, mentally and emotionally and it's horrifying to realize what it's like for the millions of animals suffering because of the dog and cat meat trade.

No food is affecting us, it drains you, your body aches and your mind constantly drifts to food. The ache and emptiness is both disturbing and painful. You're tired & barely have any energy. You can experience headaches, stomachaches, nausea, cramps and I have dizzy spells because of my anemia and it makes it hard to breathe.

It's heartbreaking to think about these dogs and cats who never know when or if they will be fed. They are completely at the mercy of their abusers.

And the pets that have been taken from their families had at one time known love and had been fed, so when it stops, it's devastating to imagine what they are going through. There are no words to describe what they must think or feel, to go from a family into a life of such terror and cruelty.

The dog and cat meat trade MUST end! Please Sign & Share the petition!

It's estimated that in China alone, 10 million dogs and 4 million cats, are slaughtered for the dog meat trade each year.

Dogs and cats of all shapes and sizes, many of them family pets still wearing their collars, are snatched from the streets and forced into tiny cages. Many suffer broken limbs as they are transported vast distances, without food or water.

When they finally arrive at the dog meat markets, injured, dehydrated and exhausted, they are forced to watch in terror as other dogs are bludgeoned to death or thrown still alive into boiling water to remove their skins.

Animals Asia has exposed that most 'meat dogs' are vulnerable strays or pets, stolen from their families.

We need to work together to END the dog and cat meat trade and bring attention to the horrifying and torturous conditions that these poor defenceless animals are forced to endure until their barbaric deaths.

Please Sign & Share our petition: http://chng.it/VTnw879Mgr

To sponsor and support our 96 Hour Famine & Protest Rally, please donate to our GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/stop-yulin-and-end-the-dog-and-cat-meat-trade 

To connect with us, please join us on one or more of our social media platforms:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Stop-Yulin-Forever-2020-692850721146352/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWUfChtqKKL44WNNHHHpIiA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalesOf2Ravens

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thefellowshipofravens23/

These animals do not have the luxury of tomorrow. We urge you to learn more about this barbaric trade and what you can do to help.

#EndTheDogAndCatMeatTrade #StopYulinForever #StopTheYulinFestival #StopTheYulinSolsticeFestival #Activism #Dogs #Cats #Animals #Pets #RescuedDogs #RescuedCats #Dog #Cat #Petitions #Rallies #Protests #96HourFamine #UseYourVoice #StandUnited