July 20, 2020 96 Hour Famine & Protest Rally - END The Dog And Cat Meat Trade Please join us from 11:59pm EST, Thursday, July 30th until 12:01am Tuesday, August 4th to participate in: The Fellowship of Ravens' 96 Hour Famine & Virtual Protest Rally. Continue reading Tags: activism animals cats Change.org dogs End The Dog And Cat Meat Trade Facebook GoFundMe Instagram Petitions Protests Rallies Stand United Stop The Yulin Festival Stop The Yulin Solstice Festival Stop Yulin Forever Twitter Use Your Voice Youtube
June 24, 2020 Criminalize Dog And Cat Meat Most people don't know that it is LEGAL to consume dog and cat meat in Canada. Continue reading Tags: activism animals cats dogs End The Dog And Cat Meat Trade Stand United Stop The Yulin Festival Stop The Yulin Solstice Festival Stop Yulin Forever Use Your Voice